Tuesday 31 August 2010

Short and Bitter

It is about time for another moan I think;

1) If public transport gets any more expensive I will simply start eating bits of it because I wont be able to afford peak-time returns and food. “Can I sit here?” “No it’s my lunch fuck off.”
2) Why, no matter how much you pay for it, is every freeview box useless?
3) And if one more Christian sits next to me on the bus and tries to ‘save my soul’ I’ll nail them to a cross so they can do it for me properly.

Phew! Anyway results, woo! Or not as the case may be. As more and more students compete to get into uni the places are filling up fast and the required grades are getting higher. Bad news, or is it? Do we really live in a world where it is mandatory to get into huge amounts of debt before earning over the minimum wage? Some of you out there have decided not. With the growing amounts of apprenticeships; who says we have to become a slave to the student finance team? Food for thought for any of you who just missed out.

See you again next month and, uh, are you gonna eat that bus pass…?

Monday 2 August 2010

Long Time no Blog

I’m afraid that I’ve been neglecting my poor blog lately, I say lately it’s been four months since my last (and only) post. I’d like to blame it on important sounding things like deadlines, but ashamedly I admit it’s due to the serious lack of views its had. So instead of wallowing in my unpopular induced melancholy like a desperate facebooker I’m going to pull my finger out, and hopefully gain some loyal followers with the promise of regular posts, and a bit of photography here and there. I suppose I should talk about the general election then eh? Well that’s the last time I take a chance, we are left with a ‘Brokeback coalition’, fantastic. And yes it must be very funny for you, David Davis (hats off to your mother for such an imaginative name by the way), but I can’t help but feel somewhat unsatisfied with the result, as if the country is left in limbo. I think I'm going to wait a little longer, and let the government settle until I start complaining though.

So until next time…